Table of Contents

Profile installation

Before installing the profile, you must download and install WireGuard software and then generate and download SecureVPN profile.


  1. Run WireGuard application installed before
  2. In the lower left corner of the application, click the “+” button and select the “Import tunnel(s) from file” option and then select the file downloaded in the previous step during generating SecureVPN profile
  3. Highlight the imported profile and click “Activate”
  4. Done! Go to the website to check the correct operation of the service. You should see the following view. If the message is red - check if all steps have been correctly performed.


  1. Run WireGuard application installed before
  2. In the lower left corner of the application, click the “+” button and select the “Import tunnel (s) from file” option and then select the file downloaded in the previous step during generating SecureVPN profile
  3. Highlight the imported profile and click “Activate”
  4. Done! Go to the website to check the correct operation of the service. You should see the following view. If the message is red - check if all steps have been correctly performed.


  1. Put generated SecureVPN profile into folder /etc/wireguard in file wg0.conf
  2. Run connection by command: wg-quick up wg0
  3. (optional) You can add connection into autostart by command: sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0


  1. Run already downloaded WireGuard application
  2. After starting the application, click the blue + icon in the lower right corner of the application and select the “Scan QR Code” option.
  3. Scan the QR code downloaded in the previous step during SecureVPN profile generation
  4. Give any name of your choice to the added profile
  5. Sart the connection by switching the switch on the profile list
  6. Accept the system warning - the essence of VPN operation is to handle all Internet traffic in order to redirect it through a secure connection - that's what the message is about
  7. Done! Go to the website to check the correct operation of the service. You should see the following view. If the message is red - check if all steps have been correctly performed.


  1. Run already downloaded WireGuard application
  2. After starting the application, click the blue + icon in the upper right corner of the application and select the “Create from QR code” option.
  3. Scan the QR code downloaded in the previous step during SecureVPN profile generation
  4. Give any name of your choice to the added profile
  5. Start the connection by switching the switch on the profile list
  6. Done! Go to the website to check the correct operation of the service. You should see the following view. If the message is red - check if all steps have been correctly performed.